Title Back-end Developer
Start Date 2021-05-02
Location Remote
Job Information

Our Ideal candidate:

  • You are a team player with excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • You have the ability to learn other coding languages as needed
  • You have a passion for code quality
  • You enjoy every aspect of software development
  • You have the ability to solve difficult and complex problems with elegant solutions
  • Able to work on late night shift; Cairo Mid-night to early morning


You must hold advanced knowledge and proven experience in:

  • C#
  • ASP.NET Core Web APIs (3.1 and up)
  • Entity Framework Core (3.1 and up)
  • Domain Driven Design and Clean Architecture
  • Test-Driven Development with xUnit
  • OpenAPI and Swagger UI
  • PostgreSQL and Npgsql
  • Design Patterns: Unit of Work, Dependency Injection, Repository, Mediator, SOLID, CRQS


Desirable skills:

  • Typescript
  • Vue.js
  • Golang
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